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FuzeSeq Antibody Sequencing
- 商品編號 ID:FuzeSeq Antibody Sequenci
商品詳細介紹Product INFO
Phage display is a powerful in vitro method for discovering high affinity antibodies in research, clinical diagnostics, and drug discovery. Historically, phage display libraries have been screened using Sanger sequencing, however, this methodology poses several limitations, such as low throughput, multiple required rounds of selection, and high false-positive rates. Today, next generation sequencing (NGS) is being incorporated into phage display workflows, offering deeper coverage and minimization of selection rounds. Yet, current NGS methodologies still pose limitations, including high cost and low data quality.
GENEWIZ’s FuzeSeq™ Antibody Sequencing applies a proprietary methodology to the next generation sequencing of phage display libraries to overcome the existing limitations of conventional NGS. FuzeSeq Antibody methodology enables sequencing of paired heavy and light variable regions, and provides higher data quality and quantity as a result. In addition, GENEWIZ also offers custom bioinformatics for FuzeSeq Antibody projects. Our dedicated team of expert scientists are available to discuss your specific project requirements.
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