

Metagenomics Sequencing

  • 商品編號 ID:Metagenomics Sequencing

商品詳細介紹Product INFO


Metagenomic sequencing is an important tool that often uses next generation amplicon sequencing to target specific hypervariable regions of the microbial 16S rRNA gene. This is used to identify any relative abundance calculation of bacteria and archaea present in heterogeneous samples, such as soil, marine, or gut microbiome.

16S Metagenomic sequencing of AllBio is a proprietary, patent-pending assay that improves upon current 16S metagenomics techniques with significant sensitivity and specificity. Compared side-by-side with the most commonly used 16S metagenomics assays, 16S Metagenomic sequencing of AllBio has the ability to detect more bacterial and archaeal genera with a lower limit of detection.

16S 基因體定序

次世代擴增子定序是基因體定序重要的工具,常用於辨識微生物16S rRNA基因的特異高變異區。這項技術用於辨識異質型樣品(例如土壤,海洋或腸道微生物組)的任何細菌與古細菌相對菌量分析。


16S 基因體定序分析流程


  • DNA sample: >0.05ng/ul
Report Template

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